Euro-Mediterranean Observatory

Savvas A. Katsikides

Jean Monnet Chair in European Economic Integration

Member of the University Council

Undergraduate studies at Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz, Department of Sociology, Austria (Mag.rer.soc.oec. in Social and Economic Sciences, 1983). Graduate studies (Dr.rer.soc.oec. in Sociology, 1985) at Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz, Dept. of Sociology, Austria. He has taught Industrial Sociology as Lecturer and Assistant Professor at the Technische Universitat Wien (TU) in Austria, (1988-1995), as Visiting Professor at Leeds Metropolitan University, PRU, UK, (1994-1995), and at the Central Connecticut State University, Dept. of Sociology, USA (1995), Visiting Professor (ERASMUS, University of Piraeus, Greece,) and invited as Visiting Professor at the University of Muenster, Germany (2003) and Donube University of Krems, Austria (2003). His research interests are in the areas of European industrial sociology, sociology of work. Sociology of technology, organisational/sociological theory and European Economic and Social Integration. In 1995-1998 was Assistant Professor at the University of Cyprus and since 1998- Associate Professor of Sociology. President of ECSA Cyprus, Vice-President of European Association of Telematic Applications and Vice President of the Prevention Scientific Committee of the Anti-Drags Council of the Republic of Cyprus. Appointed by the Government in 2002 for four years as member of the National Bioethics Committee of Cyprus. Former Deputy Dean of the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty and since 2001 Chairman of the Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cyprus.

Books and Monographs

Katsikides, S. (2005). Soziale Veraenderungen in Organisationen, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien.  (Forthcoming, accepted for publication).

Katsikides, S. (2005), Society, Technology and Politics in Eastern Europe: Social and Economic Convergence. In: Eastern Monographs Series, Columbia University Press, USA (forthcoming)

Katsikides S, (2000-2001-2002- ), Editor of the series "KOINON" Sozialwissenschaftliche Interdisziplinaere Studien. (SIS), Vol.1, Vol.2. Vol.3.Vol.4. Vol.5. Vol.6, Vol.7, Vol.8. Vol.9, Vol,10. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien.

Katsikides, S. (1998). The societal impact of technology. Aldershot, Hants, and Brookfield, USA Ashgate.

Katsikides S/ Orange, G. (Eds.) (1998), International Perspectives on Information Systems : A Social Organisational Dimension, Ashgate, Aldershot, UK/USA

Savvas A. Katsikides  (1994), (Ed.)
Informatics, Organisation and Society
Oldenbourg Verlag, OCG Vol. 72-Vienna-M
ünich, Germany

Savvas A. Katsikides, Mike Campbell, Jo Hochgerner,  (Ed.)(1994).
Patterns of Social and Technological Change in Europe.
Avebury, Altershot, UK/USA


Department of Social and Political Sciences
University of Cyprus
P.O.Box 20537
1678 Nicosia, Cyprus

Telephone:+ 357 22 335066 Fax:+ 357 22 342086


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