Schedule of Planned Activities
- Establishment of a Research Network among the EU Universities (University of Genoa, University of Athens, University of Cyprous, Panteion University-Greece) and those from the South Mediterranean (University of Tunis, University of Rabat) and the East Mediterranean (Technical University of Istanbul, University of Cairo). Meetings:
- Cyprus: 25th-28th November 2004
- Istanbul: 13-17 January 2005
- Cairo: 24-27 February 2005
- Collective achievements of the research works performed with young researchers
- March- May 2005: the 1st stage of research "A Barcelona Process Balance Sheet"
- June - November 2005: the 2nd stage of research (Sustainable Development and the relationship with EU)
- Research achievements disseminations through a seminar and an international conference. February - May 2006: Presentation and Dissemination of the research
- Results Presentation Seminar (3 days)
- International Conference (2 days)
- Paper publication
- Establishment of an Euro-Mediterranean Observatory on the Sustainable Development in Athens. May - June 2006